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How to Select a Driveway Paving Company

While there are many paving companies, finding and choosing a quality candidate is highly essential for project success. Numerous factors can affect the price and end result of your driveway, meaning conducting extensive research and utilizing accredited online resources is imperative for a smooth and positive experience. The following points will assist you in making an educated decision when selecting your paving contractor.


Be aware and cautious of the asphalt paving company you’re selecting; don’t play into a scam. An established and reputable company will have a website with their provided services elaborated upon. Make sure to act with due diligence and read customer reviews, which allows you to identify any areas of concern and make a note to ask questions regarding the matter in your initial phone call. There are many resources property owners on the hunt can utilize to move them along in the initial stages of finding the right paving company for your job.

Years of Experience & Project History

Identifying the level of knowledge and years in the asphalt paving industry of the professional contractors you’re interested in is a crucial step in the selection process. They’re expected to assist you along the way and be aware and transparent with any obstacles that may arise. Make sure the contractor in question can communicate clearly and regularly, provide actual examples of past projects, both challenging and simplistic, and can establish a positive client relationship with you.

Licensed & Insured

Remember to ask for proof of insurance coverage and licensing upfront. This documentation protects their crew and equipment, as well as you and your property. If the price estimate seems unusually low, this should be a red flag, and you should inquire if they’re truthfully insured. If you don’t check for the correct insurance and licensing and an accident occurs, your homeowner’s policy will be utilized to cover any costs for damage and injuries resulting in the premium potentially doubling or tripling in future years.


Taking responsibility for their work and owning it every step of the way are two characteristics of an experienced contractor. Asking for a project warranty is a vital detail to consider, as this will guarantee that the asphalt paving will be completed to meet industry standards as well as the unique needs of your property. It’s recommended to have all the required information in writing before starting your project. This establishes the warranty agreement between you and the selected contractor. Ask for tips on how to prolong issues from occurring in your new driveway, and for recommendations for general home maintenance.

Pricing & Discounts

Keep in mind throughout your search for a new contractor that the lowest bid isn’t always the best. Establish the range in what you want to spend and watch for competitive pricing as it’s an essential factor to consider. Many elements could potentially affect pricing.

  • Equipment quality
  • Type of asphalt mixture
  • Project complexity and area size
  • Municipal ordinances
  • Removal of existing surfaces
  • Environmental factors
  • Recycling options

Upon receiving your quote, you shouldn’t notice any fluctuation if the project was estimated by using exact measurements. If the price does fluctuate, approach your contractor and ask what may be causing the sudden change. Make sure to ask for any discounts that the company may be offering so you don’t miss out on potential money-saving opportunities.

Down Payment

Your selected contractor shouldn’t require a down payment unless your asphalt paving project is over $10,000. Be cautious of the company asking for one as this may run the risk of misuse of funds by the contractor. A majority of reputable asphalt paving companies have lines of credits available with most material suppliers meaning a down payment is entirely unnecessary and a
red flag.

Terms of Contract

Ask the contractor you decide to move forward with to review their terms of contract. This contract will include every nitty-gritty detail about your project and is an excellent opportunity to establish open communication with your contractor and their team. It will consist of the following:

  • Overall cost of the project
  • Estimated time duration
  • Warranty terms for after project completion

Establish the best communication method and payment schedule for each party involved before signing any contract.

Scheduling Appointments

Meet the contractor in person so you can establish a personable relationship and open, transparent communication. Contractors will generally send you an estimate on their own time and convenience but organizing a meeting to get all the questions and information you can is best for both parties. Many asphalt paving companies will make it a priority to schedule a time that is beneficial for both yourself and the contractor.

Scope of Work Document

Asking to review any scope of work documents is a fantastic suggestion to show that you want to be included and that all project details are meeting your needs and requirements. This will not only help you compare the bids between each contractor you’re researching but ensures that you will choose the most effective, durable paving project that falls under your best interest.

Correct Equipment and Crew

Identify how many crew members there are as well as what type of equipment the team will be utilizing. The average asphalt paving team consists of 5-8 workers depending on project size. If the company appears to be understaffed for any reason, this should raise concern as the overall outcome of your project could be hindered, and the designated time frame may not be met. Additionally, ask your contractor about their machinery, it’s performance, and how long they’ve been utilizing it. Asphalt needs to be placed quickly to avoid seams or areas for water to form cracks, so having the most advanced paving machines is crucial to a job well done.

Competence and Specialty

Hire a paving company that offers all services required for your paving project. Verifying this, in the beginning, saves you from experiencing problems down the road as some asphalt paving companies only specialize in certain paving services. As mentioned previously, be resourceful throughout your search by reading reviews on their website, Yelp, Google, and Angie’s List.

Material Selection

Maintain awareness that not asphalt is the same as it’s recycled time and time again. This means that asphalt has different grades resulting in different percentages of recycled material present in their structure. Request the use of high-grade asphalt containing less recycled materials as a low-grade asphalt can significantly impact the overall appearance and longevity of your
new driveway.

Preparation and Thickness

Discuss the company’s overall process so you can ensure that the base of your new driveway is constructed correctly. An improperly built base is a standard shortcut that will likely go unnoticed by the homeowner before it’s too late. The effects won’t start appearing for a year or two but will result in the asphalt buckling allowing water to erode the base, causing cracks and holes that will be expensive to fix. Additionally, keep a watchful eye on the depth of the asphalt that’s laid as any shortage will require future investment as well.

Attention to Detail

Please pay close attention to how open the company is to display examples of their past work. If they’re a reputable source, they likely won’t show any hesitation and will be more than happy to provide you an extensive display. Suggest driving to different locations if that’s beneficial to your overall experience.

Last Words

Conducting web research, calling different candidates, and asking friends for references will assist you in making the best decision for your driveway paving contractor. Be sure to give special attention to the points listed above, and if you feel any hesitation, try speaking directly with the contractor and team to continue moving through your project with confidence. These suggestions will guarantee you high-quality bids and that you select the right paving contractor for
your project.

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