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Parking Lot Maintenance
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Parking Lot Maintenance Guide

All pavement goes through wear and tear, weathering, and general damage over time. Parking lots are no different. Maintenance steps need to be taken to lengthen the lifespan and the investment of parking lot pavement. A variety of proactive measures, treatments, and repairs can keep parking lot pavements from looking rough and dated.

So, what kind of pavement are we working with here? Well, did you know that 90% of parking lots here in the U.S. use asphalt? Unfortunately, asphalt isn’t invincible. Over time, weathering and damage will start to take its toll and make parking lots unsafe and unsightly. Sometimes, parking lots don’t get the care and attention that they need. If this is the case, a property can suffer. Parking lots are typically the first location a customer or client interacts with before entering a business. A damaged or visually unappealing lot can hinder a visitor’s experience before they even enter a business. Not only this but maintaining your parking lots will significantly improve property value. Keep your visitors, customer, and vendors safe by regularly maintaining your parking lots.

Areas Where Parking Lot Maintenance Is A Must

Every facility should be aware of their parking lot conditions and take steps to maintain the integrity of their lots. However, certain businesses and municipalities have greater responsibility and need to maintain their parking lots for the safety of occupants. These are also facilities that should maintain a level of curb appeal and professionalism with their lots.

Public Buildings

Government buildings that cater to the public have probably the biggest responsibility for parking lot maintenance. As representations of their respective governance, these buildings should maintain a level of both aesthetic and safety value with their parking lots. This includes:

  • Libraries
  • DMV’s
  • Courthouses
  • Statehouses
  • Government buildings
  • Etc.

Commercial Plazas

Plazas with multiple private businesses, stores, and companies should take great care with their parking lots. These shared lots have a responsibility to the plaza as a whole, benefiting every business that uses this lot for their guests, occupants, and customers. These lots are also an indication of property value, so maintaining them to the best of your ability is a great way to keep and encourage businesses in your plaza.

Factories and Warehouses

Large factories and warehouses have massive parking lots to accommodate their many workers. These lots go through a lot of wear and tear and often need maintenance quicker than most lots. Many of these lots are also subject to large trucks that can wear down parking lots. Even though asphalt is flexible and doesn’t wear from the weight as quickly as concrete, it still adds up.

Shipping Facilities

Similar to factories and warehouses, shipping facility parking lots are usually the home to some pretty large vehicles. Trucks, trailers, even utility vehicles are standard at shipping facilities, which can really take a toll on the pavement.

Department and Grocery Stores

And finally, we have pretty much every other store type. Department stores, grocery stores, and other businesses need to keep their parking lots in tip-top shape because these lots reflect their business. If the parking lots are worse for the wear, then the business itself begins to look shabby.

Maintaining parking lots is a must. So, how exactly do we do this? Well, there are several preemptive methods and repair processes you can use to your advantage.

How To Maintain Your Parking Lots

Maintain Parking Lots

Proper Sealing

Every few years, your asphalt parking lots need to be treated with a sealant to protect them from the elements. If you want to prevent weathering and premature repairs or possibly repaving, properly sealing your parking lots is a must. Depending on how severe the weather gets in your region, you should re-seal your parking lots every 2-3 years minimum.

Keep Your Parking Lots Clean

Surprised? You shouldn’t be. Keeping your parking lots clean is a vital maintenance step that can prevent a ton of headaches. Simply sweeping and cleaning off your parking lots will show you where repairs might be needed. This process can help you catch problem areas before they spiral out of control and create bigger issues down the line.


Stripes on your parking lots need to be maintained as well. Over time, these stripes will wear and fade, making it difficult for occupants to identify where to park. Striping as needed will help keep lines visible and identifiable for users.

Taking Care of Cracks

Cracking can occur over time or if your parking lot isn’t properly sealed. Weathering can speed up the process as well. Cracks can eventually lead to potholes or massive cracking if they aren’t taken care of. Once a crack forms, it will eventually spread and get worse if it isn’t properly maintained. Fill in cracks as soon as possible to reduce the possibility of further damage and more spendy repairs.

Dealing With Severe Damage

If a parking lot has become pretty rough looking, there are essentially two things you can do. You can put in an asphalt overlay to take care of the top layer and give your parking lot a bit more time. This process will make your asphalt look brand new again, but may not last as long as the next option. If your asphalt begins to crumble and isn’t holding up at all — you’re probably going to have to repave the entire lot. Granted, this isn’t something that will happen overnight and often takes a few decades to occur.

With proper maintenance, you can get the optimal lifespan out of your parking lot.

Who Can Help

You’re going to need an experienced commercial asphalt paving service to help you maintain your parking lots. Paving maintenance takes a lot of work and care. Grading and paving crews will need to operate heavy machinery and perform necessary duties. Stripers will need to keep your lines in good, visible condition too. Parking lot maintenance is an essential step for facilities everywhere. Not only for the safety of its occupants but also for the overall curb appeal and value of a company.

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